Can-Learn Webinars: Greatest Hits

Every month, Cansel's professional services team produces a free webinar on a topic that addresses a common workplace question or challenge. These webinars have been growing in popularity every month, and we know not everyone has had the opportunity to join them.

So today, we're creating a Can-Learn "greatest hits" playlist for your listening and viewing pleasure. These are some of the most popular webinars the team has hosted to date, and we're sure you'll find them valuable!

#1:  Coordinate Geometry (COGO) Tools in Trimble Access
This webinar is designed to showcase the use of different tools to compute points, lines, areas, angles surfaces, and volumes from existing points and lines in Trimble Access. These useful tools are often overlooked by users. Legal surveyors, engineers, and layout personnel can take advantage of these tools to speed up operations in the field.

In this webinar, we will show how to:

  • Configure main settings before doing COGO – job settings (units) and map interface tools
  • Review bearing and distance from a baseline
  • Project point to a line
  • Retract a legal plan in Trimble Access using COGO functions and set the fieldwork to find the property bars
  • Compute volumes in the field, including pointers on how to improve the fieldwork
  • Subdivide lines – practical uses and examples
  • Compute angles – a hidden tool in Trimble Access
  • Rotate points from one azimuth to a new azimuth – a useful tool for legal surveyors using paper plans in the field
  • Compute a footprint in the field using taped distance


#2: Network Adjustment in Trimble Business Center

This webinar is designed to demonstrate survey data integration, QC/QA, and Network Adjustment workflows in Trimble Business Center (TBC). We will explain how to setup a TBC project, work with survey data from different sources, identify different types of field blunders, and review how to disable or correct various errors in TBC.

In this webinar, we will demonstrate:

  • GNSS RTK Radio data integration (arbitrary, “Here” position), GNSS static data post-processing (CSRS-PPP from Natural Resources Canada), and base coordinates modification;
  • GNSS RTK Network data integration (Can-Net);
  • Total station data integration, processing, and how to fix common blunders (i.e. target height, prism type);
  • Trimble DiNi level data integration, and processing;
  • Network adjustment fundamentals.


#3: Point Feature Extraction in Trimble Business Center

This webinar is designed to demonstrate the point feature extraction tools in Trimble Business Center (TBC). We will explain how to create CAD points for different point features such as trees, signs, poles, etc. from point clouds in TBC.

In this webinar, you will learn: 

  • Import point cloud data (las format & SX12 scans) into TBC (10 minutes)
  • Using the CAD point tool in TBC with point clouds (5 minutes)
  • Point feature extraction tool in TBC (20 minutes)
  • Export meaningful deliverables in CAD format (5 minutes)


#4: Working with Surfaces in Trimble Business Center

This webinar is designed to demonstrate the surface functionality in Trimble Business Center (TBC). We will explain how to create surfaces, earth work report, and contour maps from surveyed data in TBC.

In this webinar, you'll learn to:

  • Create surface in TBC (10 minutes)
  • Creating earth work report and volume calculations (10 minutes)
  • Create contour maps in TBC (10 minutes)


#5: All the Can-Learn Shortcut Videos

Can't get enough Can-Learn content? You'll want to subscribe to Cansel's YouTube channel and watch for updates to the Can-Learn Shortcuts playlist! These information-packed videos give you incredibly useful tips and tricks to master the software you use every day - all in less than five minutes.